Thursday, November 6, 2008

Child Development Ages Birth to One

By The Tiny Toy Shop
During this stage of a baby's life, a tremendous amount of brain development is occurring. Their cognitive development, that is, the development of language, thinking and reasoning, and memory, is rapidly developing. Talking to your baby, and singing will help your baby begin to recognize the sound of your voice. Keep in mind that language development encompasses more than just the development of words and sounds; listening and processing an understanding for the names of people and objects are also critical parts of language development. Below are some activities that you can do to encourage language development:

  • Talk and sing to your baby
  • Read to your baby - this does help with cognitive development and its fun!
  • Play music - there is research that shows classical music is not only soothing, but encourages interest in math and improves concentration
  • At the earlier stages, these tasks should be done in very short intervals. As your baby grows and develops you can increase the length of time spent on these activities. Take cues from your baby.

Some great books to read to your baby are listed below:

  • Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
  • Maybe, My Baby by Marilyn Janovitz
  • Guess How Much I Love You by Sam Mcbratney
  • The Very Hungry Catepillar by Eric Carle
  • Baby Bear, Baby Bear What Do You See? by Bill Martin and Eric Carle
  • Time For Bed by Mem Fox and Jane Dyer
  • Moo, Baa, La, La, La by Sandra Boynton
  • Touch and Feel books are great for baby too!

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